Cooking Fish Nuggets with Ikan Brand Crispy Fried Chicken Flour

Fried salmon fish fingers

Welcome again to my cooking adventures. I am not a good cook, therefore I depended a lot on Ikan Brand pastes to make my dishes taste good at all. Previously I had managed to cook a delicious Tuna Spaghetti using Ikan Brand‘s Spaghetti Herb Sauce and also a delectable steamed fish dish with Ikan Brand’s Steam Fish Taucu.

My kids love to eat fried nuggets, but I really try to minimise buying those fast food nuggets for them because I really have no idea what is in them besides flour and chicken. Recently, I tried making my own nuggets, and usually I would just use corn flour, but today I tried frying the nuggets with Ikan Brand Fried Chicken Flour or Tepung Ayam Goreng. However, I prefer using fish, so I decided to make Salmon Fish Nugget ala Ikea’s fried Salmon Balls. Of course, I can’t make it round and beautiful, as long as it taste alright ya.

Fried salmon fish fingers
So first, I defroze this salmon block and scrape off the scales. Then I cut off the meat of the salmon using my cooking scissors and making sure no bones are inside the meat. I usually also separately cook the bones with some meat left for myself to eat to not waste it ya, or else I would sometimes give it to my cat Cocoa.

Fried salmon fish fingers
Fried salmon fish fingers
With this purely salmon meat, I would marinate it with some sea salt, sweet sauce, one whole egg and corn flour to make it stick together while mincing the meat up with a big knife.

Fried salmon fish fingers

I will then heat up the frying pan or pot, as per instructions in Corrie Cooks recipes, using any oil of your preference. I just use some sunflower oil. I take a spoonful of the salmon and coat it with the Ikan Brand Fried Chicken Flour and then just drop it into the hot boiling oil. Let it brown a bit before removing it. Fish cooks faster then chicken I think. I tried to make it into fish fingers shape, it was not easy to make it look nice though. After frying it, this is the outcome, I would serve it with a mixture of mayonnaise and tomato sauce. The kids absolutely loved it!

Fried salmon fish fingers
This is how it looks like inside. The Ikan Brand Flour is very flavourful and just makes the fish fingers delicious all by itself. It is extremely crispy on the outside and the salmon is still soft in the inside. I had cooked this same dish again using other kinds of fish and even the cod fish and it was just amazingly good, a great finger food for any time!

There’s so many types of pastes from Ikan Brand, find out more about it on

33 Responses to Cooking Fish Nuggets with Ikan Brand Crispy Fried Chicken Flour

  1. Thanks for sharing the recipe! It looks quite simple to do and it looks really delicious as well. Salmon nuggets are like 2 of my favourite stuff rolled into one. Great write up and keep up the good work!

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