Some time ago, I came to know about the Chia Seed through a colleague who introduced me to it. I bought a bottle of it to try, but I was not really diligent in taking it. In fact, until half a year I have yet to finish half of the bottle I bought. However, today onwards I’m going to take it diligently due to its many benefits.
It’s high in Omega 3, known to lower cholesterol, even as a cure for diabetes amongst its many many benefits.
I started thinking of how important Chia Seed is today when I found out my dad’s kidney is starting to fail. The doctor has found that protein in his urine is abnormally high. Last CNY, I had actually bought one bottle back to give my parents, but parents being parents do not believe in every good thing out there. After I left Kuching, my sister said my dad refused to take it already. My dad has hypertension and diabetes, two of the reasons that could cause kidney failure. Chia seed has not been proven to cure kidney failure, but it has been researched to reduce diabetes by lowering blood sugar. Diabetes being lowered can mean a healthier kidney function. I really hope my dad would buy into this miracle seed and start taking it.
Taking the Chia Seed is too easy. A person only needs a tablespoon a day, and what I do is just add it into my bottle of water. The seed will become jelly like. This jelly like substance is also known to stay in the stomach and slow the conversion of carbs to sugar. That makes it great for those on a diet too. It is also basically tasteless, so it doesn’t change the taste of your water at all. The only thing one need is the diligence to pick it up and add it into your water!
My sister had been taking the Chia Seed for the last 2 months and she notes a difference in her body, less likelihood to get sick and more alertness. The chia seed is even driving her to quit her need for coffee, coz she just doesn’t need it anymore. If only more people know about this miracle food, together with exercise, kefir and a happy life, we can actually take better care of our body, after all, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are His hands and feet on this earth, if we are sickly, there is not much we can do.
Where can we buy this? May be can let my mom try this.. 🙂
I get it straight from my colleague who get it from his friend. I don’t know where to get this in the shops, never seen before. You want? Since you’re near I can always meet up and pass to you.
hi…chia seed is indeed a miracle food of all sorts. would you know where I can get it in kuching?