Smart Steps: The Power of Nutrition Workshop


As a parent, what my kids eat and the nutrition they receive in their bodies are of utmost importance. We are always googling for the best recipes or the best food for them and we also joined many facebook groups to learn more about nutrition. Educating ourselves with the right information is the really the key to ensuring their good health. I have two boys and their ages are 3 years apart, one at 3 and another at 6. Did you know that children of different ages have different nutritional needs? So I have to learn to tailor their meals and any supplements according to their different milestones and needs.


According to SEANUTS or Southeast Asian Nutrition Survey, nutrition plays an important role in determinining a child’s smartness and IQ level. We as parents need to monitor and provide the best nutrients for our kids as they grow at every stage. Nutrition is so important for me as I know how it truly affects a child’s health. Whenever any child or even adult faces a kind of sickness, you can be sure it can be tracked back to their diet and the way they eat. With my kids, they can be really picky at times. My younger boy sometimes just want nothing but junk food, stuffs like chocolate cake, keropok and chocolate, that being his really fav. Whenever he doesn’t eat well for his three meals, we can immediately see him digress in his health, he will start to develop a sore throat, flu and cough easily. My elder boy hates fruits and vegetables for a time and I could see his skin was badly affected, to the point his teachers think he has skin disease. That is why I really want to learn how to provide the best nutrients and nutrition to my kids so they do not have to face all these problems, plus it helps increase their IQ if they eat properly too.


Well, good news for parents of children between 1 – 6 years old! Dutch Lady is going to have a nutrition workshop which is really informative and really fun! You get to hear from the three experts above and learn how to better understand your child’s mental development and how to optimize it with the right nutrition. This workshop is suitable for you and your kids and all of you get to learn techniques that enhance learning skills through SpeedSmart Training.


Details of the Workshop

Title: SmartSteps: Uncover The Power of Nutrition To Your Child’s Development Workshop
Date: 24 Jan 2015 (Sat)
Time: 10.30am (Registration from 9.30am onwards)
Venue: Auditorium, Connexion@Nexus, Bangsar South

Registration desk sign

How to Register
Registration fee of RM30 per family/couple is applicable. Each participating family is entitled to ONE Dutch Lady Smart Steps Workshop Kit worth RM50! To register,
– Call toll-free hotline : 1800-22-1233
– Email:
– Payment can be made to the below bank account of workshop organizer through cash deposit or online banking
• Bank: Maybank
• Name: Bridges PR & Events Sdn Bhd
• Account Number: 5144-4012-1112

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