An Afternoon With Transitions Signature VII

What better place to showcase Transitions Signature VII, touted the lens that changes colour, then bright and sunny Sunway Lagoon. Last week, we made our way there to witness the launch of these amazing state of the art lenses complete with a test run of it at the Sunway Wildlife Park.

Prior to the start of the event, we were just having fun with the props available for selfies.

Some mannequin heads wearing the lenses were on this table. It was actually to show that the lenses facing the sun are darker and the ones facing indoors are clear.


Mr Stuart Cannon, General Manager of Transitions Optical Asia Pacific was present to share brand key insights on the brand and the product features.

Product Description:

Fully clear indoors – but outside, they’re more responsive than ever. Based on Transitions Optical’s exclusive Chromea7TM photochromic technology and Life360TM testing process through more than 1000 scenarios, the new Transitions® SignatureTM lenses are even more reactive to light conditions outdoors and can also adapt quickly to indirect light – they get darker even from light reflected from buildings, cars, and many other surfaces. The versatility and adaptability of Transitions® SignatureTM lenses always ensures you’ll be seeing things in the best possible light.

Key features/benefits:

• Seamless light management through the day in all environments: The new Chromea7TM technology allows Transitions® SignatureTM lenses to optimize the amount of light that reaches your eyes, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. It has undergone rigorous real life testing in more than 1000 scenarios through Transitions’ Life360TM testing methodology, so you can be assured they adapt to your visual needs any time, any day.

• Responsive to indirect light: Transitions® SignatureTM lenses respond better to indirect light, giving you ample tint even when your face is away from the sun and allow you to see things in the best possible light. This includes light reflected from buildings and indirect glaze and haze from scattered light in low light conditions.

• Responsive to hotter temperatures: Having been tested in over 200 real life conditions in various locations around the world, Transitions® SignatureTM lenses provides consistent performance in all temperature conditions.

• Fast fade back to clear speed: Chromea7TM technology allows Transitions® SignatureTM lenses to be more responsive to the lighting conditions around you so they’ll adapt to your environment before you even know it. They also fade quickly back to clear once you’re indoors.

• Protects your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays: Transitions® SignatureTM lenses block 100% UV rays, offering comprehensive protection for your eyes when you’re out in the sun.

• Fit any prescription and frame: Available for most frame and prescription types to suit your personal preference.

• Suitable for any age including children: They work well for a variety of ages, including young active children.

Recommended for:

• People who go outdoors at different times of the day.
• Those who need an adaptive lens that goes completely clear indoors.
• Those who spend most of their time indoors and are also outdoors frequently.

We had hands on fun trying out the lenses and seeing how the colour of the lens quickly change as we looked into the sunny surf beach area.


Each of us were given a pair of glasses with the Transitions Signature VII lenses for our tour of the Wildlife Park. It would help us see the animals and the colours so much more vibrantly.


Armed, or more like eyed with our new lenses, we marched to the Wildlife Park to watch some amazing animals up close and personal. True to its claims, Transitions Signature gives us a very comfortable view from dark to bright areas without having to think about putting on sunglasses or anything. The transition is fast yet so subtle that we don’t actually feel it.


Some parts of the Wildlife park are bright and some are dark and this didn’t bother us one bit.


We don’t have to squint when it’s too bright or strain when it is dark, the lenses will adjust accordingly to let in just the right amount of light, while at the same time protecting our eyes from harmful UV rays. I feel that Transitions Signature is a good investment even for those without prescription glasses, good to wear while travelling or even just driving as it kinds of make your vision even clearer and colours more vivid.

We really enjoyed the time with the animals and headed back to the surf beach for some refreshments. I’d like to thank SPRG (Strategic Public Relations Group) for the media invite and Transitions Optical for a fun and informative day out.

The goodie bag I received has got to be the nicest one I had ever received so far with a really nifty rechargeable booklet that has a screen inside which plays the adverts. Love.

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