Recycling really pays

I started recycling our wastes 2 years ago and since then I have called the company, Recycle and Redeem to my house at least 11 times to pick up the wastes. It is an extra that this company rewards us for recycling, we get what they call Green Points. So far, I have collected this many points.

With this number of points, I can already get electronics like a table fan, toaster etc, or just get a voucher worth RM100 from Parkson, Isetan, Jusco and more. Trash becomes money, who won’t want this?

Check here for things you can recycle in your home too.

3 Responses to Recycling really pays

  1. you already get electronics like a table fan, toaster etc, or just get a voucher worth RM100 from ours, because we are the manufactory for the table fan. if you need, conatct me now.

  2. Ayaaaa… I didnt knw got referrer… At least can put your id in.. Is there anyway i can add that in? Ok this question should go to the admin right? Hihi..

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