Friso Gold MasterChef Junior Cooking Workshop

Last month, Friso Gold ran a Facebook contest for Parent and Child to join a Masterchef Junior Cooking Workshop held in The Cooking House. Thanks to Fox for inviting me and Josiah to the event as well.

Both of us were giving a very cute Masterchef Apron to be used on that day so that we don’t dirty our clothes.

While waiting for the cooking to start, Josiah had a fun time colouring some Starworld stars. Kids had their free flow of milk as well, while I helped myself with tea and coffee.

The event was held to also promote Masterchef Junior which is showing right now on Star World (Astro Channel 711) and Star World HD (Astro Channel 722) every Thurs, 7.55pm. We watched a preview of the show before our own chef showed up.

The chef told us that we would be making cupcakes and calzone today. He showed us the steps from mixing of the flour with sugar to how to crack the eggs. All the kids and their parents crowded around the worktop table and watched intently. It was obvious that most the kids present actually really loved cooking. Most are really young as this was an event for 3-6 year olds only. One young boy asked so many questions, it was really cute to watch.

After listening and trying to remember the steps, we were relocated to the cooking area and I was really amazed as it felt and looked like we were really in Masterchef Junior. There were rows and rows of cooking tables and we just chose one that was empty. Every one washed their hands and got ready to bake. Josiah was so excited, I just let him do everything on his own and provided him the simple instructions. All the ingredients were already measured out for us so it was really easy.

Thankfully Josiah was tall enough, he did not need a stool. Other kids started asking for chairs and stools but it was not enough to go around.

The emcee and chef also walked around and asked the kids questions to see if they really know what they are doing.

So we finished prepping the cupcakes and gave it to the Cooking House team to bake for us, so easy life huh. We proceed back to the dining hall and had sometime to take a wefie while waiting for instructions for the next dish, calzone.

Calzone is really just a folded pizza.

Chef showed us how it was done, and we just listened and watched and tried to remember everything.

Making the dough is fun if you don’t have to do the cleaning up yourself, as was the case at The Cooking House. Josiah get to get as messy as he want, all hands into the flour to mix.

We did everything by hand, kneading and rolling it. The dough didn’t get to rest for a long time as we had to finish it before lunch.

Prior to this, I had no idea it was so easy to make a pizza, or a calzone for that matter. Of course, the tomoto puree was prepped for us as well so that saved a tonne of time. All we needed to do was add the ingredients like cheese, pineapple and turkey ham.

The calzone before being baked.

Meanwhile, Josiah decorated the cupcakes with the icing prepared by the team. The chef showed us how to make the icing but to save time, we didn’t do it ourselves. It was fun to let the kids deco and use their creativity.

And here it was, the final decorated cupcakes. Josiah was so proud, he wanted to bring it back to show daddy instead of eating it up.

At the same time, the calzone was also done, hurray. We were all hungry by then, lunch time.

A good healthy lunch spread was prepared. Josiah was excited to see spaghetti with lots of mushrooms. As per doctor’s advise, I avoided giving him the fried chicken and cold orange juice, instead he just had some organic tea.

Thanks to Friso Gold and Fox for this amazing date and quality time spent with my dearest Josiah, it was a time we would never forget.

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