wo, new year just a few days away ah. Life is not getting any less
hectic for me! I’m currently rushing a multimedia presentation for New
Year’s Eve service, trying out on Director instead of Powerpoint all
the time for church. Not even complete at this stage! GGRRR It’s been
fun but yet extremely hectic, I had been putting all my studies on
hold, not so wise huh. Recently I find myself having to attend
leadership seminars in church, but I’m not really a leader at all!
Funny huh, not sure why I was there, nevertheless I learned lotsa
things from my pastors. Then there were false hopes and stuff, when I
thought I am to do the church website, but turns out they had other
plans….maybe God too has other plans for me, I dunno, I’m just
feeling a little down today…been so tired, body is aching, feeling
sickish…all will be well by new year by the grace and mercy of GOd.
That’s what I hold on to and believe with all my heart.