Traveling with a toddler is never easy, but it does get easier with practice. Our last trip was to Malacca, the historical city, and it was short and fun. Josiah is crazy about water fountains, and Malacca has plenty of them. He now remembers every water fountain and where they are located. It was fun to bring Josiah shopping at the souvenir shops as he had much fun checking out the drums and other stuffs.
The weather was of course crazy hot, so we had to use lots of sun block lotion and hats.
Malacca is really beautiful with all the historical buildings and great landscaping, every corner is great for photography.
Josiah is awed by most of the old architecture.
Too bad the Eye of Malaysia has been taken down. We thought we can go on it.
The only other major attraction was this. But being a Wesak Holiday, there were too many people and it was just too hot. We ended up just hanging out at Mahkota Parade where we manage to get the iPad 2 as well.
All in all, I love these short local trips. Hope to do more in time to come.