Category Archives: Tech

Everyone Can Win with P1

I had always liked P1 the Telco from the first day I went to tour their building until becoming their Online Media Associate in recent years. There had always been fun contests on Facebook but I never really cared to join any until this year when P1 became really active in giving back again by… Continue Reading

A Look Back at P1 Nostalgic Nation Videos

IF you have followed me on Facebook, you would have seen all these videos I did for P1 Nostalgic Nation’s Contest. Well, I’m just looking back at all the experiences I had making this vids and I am so thankful to P1 for the opportunity to realise that I love making videos. Sure I make… Continue Reading

P1 Nostalgic Nation Contest

Who doesn’t like to get all nostalgic? Well, P1 is allowing you to do that while winning some prizes in the process. I know because I just won the first weekly prize last week which is a pair of GSC Gold Class Tickets worth RM140! Wanna win? You can if you just follow the steps… Continue Reading

Launch of Little Critter Library

Do you have 2-5 year olds at home who loves reading, particularly Little Critter books? Today onwards, Little Critter Library app will be available for free on the Apple App Store and the good news is, all the book will be freely accessible for the next 7 days! Yes! That is a lot of books… Continue Reading