Category Archives: pregnancy

Hair Loss after delivery

Hair loss is sometimes associated with after delivery. Some people I know suffer from excessive hair loss up to 6 months after they delivered a baby, some even suffer from dropping teeth, but that’s another story. When I say hair loss, it is not about the few strands of hair we drop daily, but in… Continue Reading

The Birth Experience

This can be pretty graphic, so read at your own risk. So by my calculations, my EDD aka Due Date for Baby Josiah was Feb 6. However, by Monday Feb 2 I was starting to get some contractions. By Wednesday, I finished all the work I can so I don’t have to go back to… Continue Reading

Last checkup..hopefully

Today I went for my last checkup with my OBGYN, really hopefully this is the last checkup before delivery as my EDD is this Friday, Feb 6. Although it is normal to be late for up to 2 weeks, I certainly hope that is not the case as my baby is getting bigger and bigger!… Continue Reading

What food stuff to prepare for your confinement?

I was at a blur what to buy for my confinement nanny to cook. Thank God I can ask my confinement centre, and this is what Alice faxed to me. Being non Chinese speaking, it is quite hard to ask people what to buy and then go to the chinese herb store to buy them,… Continue Reading