Category Archives: Parenting

Mini Portable Refrigerator for Mums

It seems that Groupon is now reading my mind. Before the weekend, I was just browsing for mini portable refrigerators and it is suddenly on sale on Groupon. I was just thinking to myself how useful a mini portable refrigerator that can fit 4-6 cans be for new mums who need to express milk at… Continue Reading

DIY Stay Dry Liners for Cloth Diapers

Not all cloth diapers have a stay dry layer. Pocket diapers do, but not prefolds, fitteds and some AI2. Therefore, it’s necessary to add another thin layer normally made of micro fleece or micro suede material so that baby’s bum stay’s dry and the urine is absorbed through it into the inner layers. In the… Continue Reading

My cloth diapering system

Last time, I did not cloth diaper until way into the 2-3 month, and I did not cloth diaper at nights as I didn’t know any diapers that can be thick enough for night use. Well, I am much more informed now with the various types of diapers and even cloth diapers that are suitable… Continue Reading

Teaching Volunteerism During the Holidays

Compassionate people are always needed, especially in the modern world, and many parents know this.The problem is they do not know what to do or where they should start in raising kind and caring children. When it comes to introducing volunteerism, it should be done as soon as possible. Dr. Mary Zurn, speaking on the… Continue Reading