Category Archives: Opinions

Best Customer Service Award Goes to…

When it comes to customer service, I can become extremely particular. It is as if I am always ‘working’ and ‘checking’ on customer service of whatever company. A few months ago, I blogged about Bros being a new Malaysian company selling nicely designed BPA bottles. It is a great more affordable alternative to the more… Continue Reading

My First Love

This morning, my pastor was supposed to teach us some leadership course, but he changed his plans when we came in and spoke to us what I think God told him to speak to us about. What he shared led me to reflect on my first love. Basically, he shared with us about the reasons… Continue Reading

Bros BPA free bottles

Recently, I’m getting quite obsessed with chemicals, be it chemicals found in food, shampoos,cosmetics to bottles. I’ve changed the whole range of my baby’s washing products to organic, and these organics must be ECOCERT chopped. I’ve long known about BPA in baby bottles, so Josiah has never used those bottles that contain BPA, do you… Continue Reading

Mines Shopping Mall Baby Room

When I was in university, Mines shopping mall was like the only most accessible mall to us, yet I thought it was boring and terrible for shopping. Well, all that has changed pretty much, as they totally upgraded it and added a new wing. Now Mines have one of the most stocked and biggest FOS… Continue Reading