Category Archives: Food

Health Talk about Picky Eaters

Last week, I attended a short health talk organised by Abbott Pediasure to tackle the issue of picky eaters. Josiah is a real picky eater for me. Basically he hates all vegetables and fruits. Vegetables I understand, but fruits too, I thought most kids love sweet fruits but not dear Josiah. I had spent quite… Continue Reading

Kids Can Cook Too

Can kids cook too? That’s what my 5 year old Josiah asked when I told him about this event I brought him to last Tuesday. It was a media event in conjunction with the season premiere of Masterchef Junior US, scheduled to show tonight on Star World (Astro Channel 711) and Star World HD (Astro… Continue Reading

Free Coffee on the go Bottle

There’s nothing that irks me more than lukewarm coffee. I usually make coffee in my machine at home and bring it to work in my Starbucks tumbler or Keepcup, but though these on the go cup and tumbler are awesome, they are not fantastic in keeping my coffee warm for a long time. I don’t… Continue Reading

Burger Bakar Rawang in Kajang

Yesterday, after picking Josiah up from Keyboard school, John had a sudden craving for Burger, Burger Bakar to be exact. We kept hearing about how great burger bakar is but had never tried before. I could only wonder how ‘special’ it was supposed to be. We always pass by this stall in Saujana Impian, but… Continue Reading