C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar Review

As women in the 30s, the word collagen is like a magic word. I want to consume any product that contains collagen! You know what really is collagen? It is not some miraculous beauty creation, but it actually the protein in our own body that holds us together. It is in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons, and provides us the strength and structure. That is why, it is not just to make us look younger, but it helps in every part of the body. For me, I would take collagen just for my knees. I have joint pain since I had kids and it makes a sound even when I walk up the stairs.

Previously, I wrote about Skinsoul products, the Travelling Set and eye lash lengthening mascara, and the amazing towelettes. Somehow, I forgot that I have not talked about the C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar, so here is my review.

As seen above the product comes in a tin box with 15 jelly bars inside. It is meant to be taken in the morning before meals and one more before sleeping. That means, one box is to be consumed in a week.

The collagen is basically extracted from fish. Consuming this product has the following benefits.

-Delaying the ageing process caused by external factors such as UV rays, harmful free radicals, stress and pollution.
-Restructuring of the skin’s collagen and its ability to retain skin’s firmness, elasticity and smoothness.
-Stimulates the skin renewal process for a younger and more youthful appearance.
-Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
-Lightening of dark spots for a brighter and fairer skin tone.
-Improvement of the overall health and suppleness of the skin.

Each bar is small and easy to carry around. I keep them in the fridge to maintain freshness. I like that they are all individually packed and not in a big container so it’s super convenient to consume and to get in the exact amount needed for the body.

Inside, the jelly is orange in colour and tastes quite good for me. I actually love to eat this! Unlike most collage products, I get heal and enjoy the taste of the product at the same time.

The cost is quite steep at RM596 for 2 boxes. But if it works why not right?

Some special deal for my readers.

*Readers need to show my blog they followed and Like SkinSoul Social Media (Facebook) and (Instagram) to enjoy the privileges.

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*Readers will be also entitled to walk away Mini SkinSoul SkinShield Set worth RM100 by minimum purchase of RM100 and above in a single receipt.

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SkinSoul Boutique Level LG077 MidValley

27 Responses to C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar Review

  1. But one thing about collagen that I’ve read, aren’t we supposed to take care of what we eat to in order for it to work? How bout this one then? And this is my first time seing a collagen in jelly form. >.<

  2. Didn’t know this collagen is under SkinSoul as well. Never tried though have been reading a lot of reviews on it. I think I am going with the natural collagen I can get first haha.

  3. I’ve been meaning to get this after reading all the positive reviews on the internet. Somehow, forgot about it and then I came across your post. It’s difficult to admit that I do need collagen now… I love the convenience of this jelly bar.

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