Guerisson 9 Complex Horse Oil Cream Review


Some time ago, I received the Guerisson 9 Complex Horse Oil Cream, a very special product from Korea by Claires. This product was from 11street, which promises 100% authenticity.



Anyways, there are many ways online that teaches you how to spot the fake from the real, but the best way is through the hidden tag sticker below the orange box, which can be scanned by using Claire’s own iPhone app or Android App. This is pretty unique right, a company that goes all out to develop an app to prove the authenticity of their product. I don’t understand why people need to make fakes, terrible.


SO I scanned mine and this pic comes out, which means it is original! Safe to use!

Firstly I love the unique packaging of this product. It comes in this thick orange cardboard that is easy to open and close back for reuse, unlike the usual square box for creams etc. On the inside there is a place to store the spatula, the spatula also looks nice with the brand printed on it.

The jar is made of glass, with the lady with the pic of a horse, for horse oil ya. The cover of the glass jar is gold and has leaves and the brand protruding from it, for lack of the correct word. This is a very interesting packaging for me, it is unlike all other Korean products I have seen and used. This one is just rare and there is pain taken to make the packaging hard to replicate.


Inside, the cream looks yellowish lemony…smells slightly like lemon. It is a nice scent and not too strong and is not medicinal.


I just love the little spatula, makes it easy to scoop up a little bit of product. Here’s the product on my hand.


IT feels rich and oily on first application, but as I massaged it into my skin, it gets absorbed farely quickly. On my hands it did not leave an oily residue. However, on my face I felt it is too rich. I am now just using it on spots and acne not on the entire face. It feels more like body lotion than a face moisturiser. Probably it will be really good for dry skin.

Basically, Guerisson 9 complex contains horse oil rich in high-purity ceramide to help strengthen skin barrier, re-generate skin, and erase marks from skin rashes. 9 Complex Cream which is also referred to as skin-recovery cream which helps improve damaged skin as well as wrinkles and whiten skin. IT claims to keep your skin moisturised for 72 hours. By now, I guess most people have come to accept Horse Oil (the real horse fat rendered into beauty-product) for beauty use due to the craze over this product in Korea. The horse oil is from Germany, if that makes you feel better.


So I first tested this product for healing that it promises, on none other than my hubby’s huge wound that he got around July 10. So I applied this cream and he said he cried for half an hour due to the stinging pain! It was open wound that time, so take note, no applying on open wounds for kids lest they cry unstoppably. However, I do use this cream on my kids’ scars from mosquitoe bites, they seem to love it and the scarring did disappear, but kids being kids, they heal really fast.


By July 25, this was how the bad wound looked, it was not completely healed but the skin had closed up nicely. Since it’s a new scar, I believe with daily use it probably will heal up. I will need to update you on this when it does.

As for facial use, I only use it on my acne where anyone pops up. So far, I feel my acne is quite controlled and not eruptive like before, however I can’t determine if it is caused by just this Guerisson 9 Complex as I use a tonne of products on my skin. I can assure though that it did not break out my sensitive skin. I also use it like lotion for my hands and body. For healing old acne scars though, I have not really seen a significant difference. I have some old scars that dates 20 years back, so I guess maybe it only works for new scars.

As a summary, I still really love this product, it is something I want to have around for any cuts, wounds, bites as it is a multipurpose healing balm. I will write more updates when I finish the jar as after one month plus I have only used a quarter into the jar. Thanks to 11Street for supplying the product for this review, I was given this product for free and a RM30 gift card for buying stuffs on 11Street.

24 Responses to Guerisson 9 Complex Horse Oil Cream Review

  1. First thing that came to my mind was …. which part of the horse did they secrete the oil from? hmm…. and how many horses’ do they have to squeeze to produce a jar. hmm…

    • Horses were not specifically killed to make these beauty creams, they were sourced from existing horse meat trade industries, in this case, Germany.

  2. I have tried horse cream product from Japan before. The texture is very rich and gets absorbed fast too, but I don’t really like the thick sensation of the cream although I know it’s moisturising effect is promising. Looking forward to the effect on your husband scar.

  3. Ouch, that wound looks so big. Good to see that the horse oil can be useful to heal such wound. I just wonder if it can be useful for diabetic related wound as well.

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