The Truth About Hidden Hunger

Previously, I don’t know anything about Hidden Hunger until I read some of these articles in the papers below. If you simply google Hidden Hunger, you will find that UNHIR says:

Hidden hunger is a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs, so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it. Its consequences are nevertheless disastrous: hidden hunger can lead to mental impairment, poor health and productivity, or even death.

Hidden Hunger & Horlicks Chocolate - The Star-Star2_30 May 14_Pg 6

Hidden Hunger & Horlicks Chocolate - China Press-Commercial & Supplement_1 June 14_Pg 14

Hidden Hunger & Horlicks Chocolate - Berita Harian-Famili_23 May 14_Pg 6-7

Ok that sounded really serious right? Getting the right nutrients to my two kids at home had always been my top priority, but it didn’t help that both of them grew up disliking vegetables and fruits. I had to think of many ways to supplement their diet so that they can get enough vitamins and minerals into bodies. After all, our kids want to be Tall, Sharp and Strong. That’s when I heard about the new Horlicks Chocolate. This is so suitable for my boys as they only love chocolate flavoured milk.

Photo - Horlicks Chocolate 1kg Pouch

I used to have to mix cocoa powder into all of Josiah’s milk. Now I don’t have to do it anymore with Horlicks Chocolate. I grew up drinking Horlicks so this is one drink I can trust to give my kids. It’s not exactly a kid’s milk so the adults in the family can enjoy it too. Who doesn’t crave a nice hearty cup of hot chocolate once in a while? Furthermore, I can be rest assured that Josiah is getting enough nutrients as Horlicks® Chocolate provides children with 23 vital nutrients including calcium, protein and multivitamins to support their need for overall growth and development.

“Women and children from the lower income groups in developing countries are often the most affected, but local studies in Malaysia have shown that even school children in urban areas like KL and PJ have micronutrient deficiencies including that of vitamin D; which is important for the absorption of calcium. Zinc, iron and iodine deficiencies also have been observed in Malaysian children. Thus, it is important to inform mothers and educate children from young to eat right and have a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals,” said Professor Dr Khor Geok Lin, Professor of Nutrition from the International Medical University Malaysia (IMU) during the launch of Horlicks® Chocolate.

The launch of Horlicks® Chocolate also kick-starts a series of roadshows to engage families with fun activities, plus a Horlicks® Mobile Truck offering free samples, which will be making stops at selected shopping malls and other high-traffic locations around Malaysia.

Look out for the new Horlicks® Chocolate at all supermarkets, hypermarkets and provision stores in 200g (RM6.50), 400g (RM10.50), 1kg (RM21.50) and 2kg packs (RM42.00) or in 3-in-1 sachets (RM10.50) for convenience. Give them a try, Josiah is now taking a cuppa for breakfast daily and a cuppa in the evenings. If I forget, he will actually remind me!

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