My first Adsense Cashout at Prabhu Remit

I got my very first Adsense payment yesterday after many years. Thank God for Western Union now we don’t have to lose money when cashing out our payment.

Western Union
I chose to go to Prabhu Remit‘s Western Union office instead of the post office or CIMB Banks, just to see how it was like. Maybe I was attracted to the huge Western Union signboard, compared to the tiny ones at banks. The Western Union agent is located right in Kajang town next to McDonalds.

I walked up the stairs to the place, and boy was it empty. It was a big hardly renovated office, with only two workers at the counter. The place was quiet and really boring.

At the counter were only two forms, to send money and To receive form, so I took the to receive form and filled it up. I only needed to fill in my name, address, occupation etc, and the name of the sender which is Google Inc and the location which is USA. Besides that the only other info I had to fill in was the MTCN no. and my IC no. Sign and pass up. Then I waited about 5 minutes as the officer checked the details on his computer, printed out the receipt to show my the amount, and started counting the money. The exchange rate I got was 3.2278949, not too bad. It was done!

I think I will go back to this place next time for my Adsense money, no line, no people, no fuss.

7 Responses to My first Adsense Cashout at Prabhu Remit

  1. Well, I started installing Adsense on my blog in 2004, but then I had very low readership and page impressions, so I wasn’t really earning then. I only started really earning something at all in mid 2007 when I got serious about placing my ads properly, in the right places and getting my proper domain name too. So what I cashed out recently was accumulated from mid 2007 to now, so I guess it took a year. I saw your blog, you might wanna reconsider your ad placement and colour…

  2. hi me again… my ad placement? erm.. where will be the right place to place it? and also color? is it the color should more blending to the …background?

    please email me, if you prefer to …

  3. Hey did you change your blog design? It looks really a lot better than last time I visited your blog, the content is easier to read. Do you make blogdesigns for money?

  4. I hate some of the staff there…not friendly at all. Office close 12:30 to 2.00 p.m. for lunch. Bring friends inside the office and making noise.. huh! WTF!!!

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