My sites were down pretty much about 24 hours yesterday. BECAUSE I WAS HACKED! What a blow it was…actually my host server was hacked, and all the accounts in it removed. When I found out yesterday morning, it was like, a NIGHTMARE! As I had just spent a few days before with the server migration, and now with this. I even receive an email from Text-link-ads, asking why my site was down. I was so afraid they would remove all the advertisers like they did before. At first it was all panic, then I had to get my head together to redownload the files and databases from my old server and wait for the server to be revived and reupload again. In the process I lost a few posts and comments as I didn’t have the latest backups. If you posted a comment, please post again. 😛

Eventually today, everything is back to normal. I must remember to do frequent backups from now onwards, and so will my host. But it’s not easy, and it’s a pretty lengthy process too, especially with my many years of blogging. This blog alone has a database of about 60 over MB. Not fun to download and upload each time. I still have lots to do, like upgrading WordPress and more. What a day it was…

3 Responses to HACKED!

  1. Co-pay? Thanks for the offer mate..but already paid for a year..so will see how it goes. I’m not sure what I have on DB. but yea. most probably the spams..which I never clear! So where do you host on? Dedicated?

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