Category Archives: Parenting

The Milk Conspiracy

In Malaysia, milk companies, especially formula milk companies are laughing their way to the bank because Malaysian parents are so ‘kiasu’ they must feed their children the most expensive, dha filled, donno what scientific formula types of milk powder. Just walk down the baby food aisle of any hypermarkets, and you’d be confused which brand… Continue Reading


Children are such a blessing and so adorable to look at! But because of the fall of Adam, all of us are sinners, and that is so apparent in little strong willed children. Looks like it’s about time that I start disciplining Josiah in the house. He is beginning to show attitudes of mischief, rebellion… Continue Reading

Mother and Baby Room at KLIA

On our last flight that landed in KLIA from Kuching last month, I had a chance to visit the mother’s room which was just at the terminal that we exited. It is actually one of those ‘toilet looking’ mother’s room, but it’s pretty neat at the same time. In it, there’s a diaper changing area… Continue Reading

MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby Smiling Contest

Josiah Lu Yew Jung DOB: 05 Feb 2009 Ok, for the last month of the year, I am going to submit for this MomBloggersPlanet’s Baby Contest again, and what more, the theme is about smiling babies. If you ask me what is Josiah‘s best feature, I would say it is his smile, besides his michelin… Continue Reading