Category Archives: Parenting

Sleeping With Two Boys

Yes, nowadays I sleep with my two boys, and I do mean my sons. Now, how do I end up sleeping with them rather than my husband at nights? Bed-sharing with children can sometimes be such a taboo topic, and this is the topic I am going to tackle today. Before I had children, I… Continue Reading

Jordan turned 1!

This is so backdated, but yes, Jordan turned 1 weeks ago on March 9. We had a small party with mostly cell members from church in our home. Jordan is not super sociable like Josiah was at 1 so we were definitely contemplating having many people in the house for a party or not. In… Continue Reading

Jordan updates from 7 months to 9 months

When Jordan was 7 months, we took him on his first airplane ride back to Kuching, Sarawak to meet my family. Actually, all my family had met him earlier when they came over for short visits. As usual, bringing a baby travelling is always a worrisome thing, with the huge amounts of things to pack.… Continue Reading

Product Review of Boys Skechers Hot Light

Read my other reviews of Skechers here: Product Review of Women’s Shape-ups Liv – Happy Mary Jane Sneakers Shopping Experience at Skechers, Sunway Pyramids Even before getting the Skechers Hot Light, I told Josiah about getting him shoes with blinking lights and he was so excited about it. He had the shoes now for nearly… Continue Reading