Category Archives: Parenting

Return to Zero Preview: Based on a True Story

Return to Zero is my first movie preview and I was thrilled to get a chance to watch this movie before the premiere, which will be on Lifetime (Channel 709 on Astro) this Tuesday, 20 May at 8pm. Repeats on 25 May, Sunday at 9pm and 31 May, Saturday at 4pm About the Show Lifetime… Continue Reading

Johnson’s Baby Contest My Baby My Pride

That day we were on our way to Janda Baik when we dropped by One Utama and saw that there was a Johnson Baby’s Roadshow on. The roadshow was actually a launching of the Johnson’s Baby of the Year Contest 2014. I remembered Josiah joined this contest as well when he was a tiny baby.… Continue Reading

Blogging with a Second Child

You know how it is with the 2nd child, you just stop doing all the things you’d do with the first, like taking pictures daily, documenting their every progress, being a cleanliness freak and going green etc. It’s really true. When Jordan came long, I just completely never blog about him or even bothered to… Continue Reading

Josiah’s artwork

Josiah’s artwork, a set on Flickr. I remember drawing a lot when I was young, but I was not particularly gifted in it, my sister was though. She went on to become a graphic designer. Nevertheless, I used to love drawing and we would draw even on the wall in our old house. When I… Continue Reading