Category Archives: Opinions

Defensive driving curriculum?

It seems Malaysia’s transport department has decided to introduce a new defensive driving curriculum for learner drivers. My first reaction to the news was, how will this help the current situation. Is this really tackling the root problem? After been through the curriculum myself last year, I found it quite complete already. I don’t think… Continue Reading

Life as it is

I’d usually get really busy at the end of the year. But this time it’s different. I find myself drowning with one too many things all of a sudden, from planning the big day, to organising seminars, to changing focus, to my studies, to trying to get the basic work done. I’m getting pretty disorganised… Continue Reading

Food or news?

Korean and China Movie DVD Piracy isn’t the only piracy going on in Kuching. Burger Times? Is there a possible law suit the likes of the McCurry 5 year battle? Continue Reading

Ibook battery exchange

So, my Ibook was one of those that had the possibly-overheating-self-explosive-made-by-Sony-battery. Sad, I was actually hoping I didn’t have to exchange my battery since it’s still in very good condition. I hardly ever use my Ibook without plugging in the main power, and certainly never carried it around in sleeping mode either. However, afraid that… Continue Reading