Category Archives: Opinions

A little that helps

My Worldvision child has grown so big! It must have been a couple of years since I signed up for child sponsorship with Worldvision, and had been sponsoring only RM50 a month to this girl, Koem Theary. The money goes to Worldvision’s project in building the community which she lives in, in Bati, Cambodia. WV… Continue Reading

Levels of Communication

I had counselling today and learned about levels of communication. Apparently, there are five levels of communication humans use to talk or not talk to each other. Level One: Cliché Conversation. Phrases like “How are you?” There is no personal sharing. Level Two: Reporting the Facts. We are content to tell others what someone else… Continue Reading

Airwick ads

Local TV has been showing this Airwick UK Ad where a housewife elephant showed us how to use Airwick’s automatic spray. The advert on our local TV has been dubbed over with our local accent and shows an elephant cleaning her house and finding a dirty pair of shoes belonging to her son, who is… Continue Reading

What are Digi Yellowman ads suggesting?

I find the Digi’s latest string of yellowman ads pretty creative and interesting. So did many bloggers here, here, here and here. Guess many people adored it now. But what is Digi suggesting especially in the ads about Digi users travelling to other countries like Africa, Japan etc. where the yellowman is exceptionally short and… Continue Reading