Category Archives: Memories

Blogging with a Second Child

You know how it is with the 2nd child, you just stop doing all the things you’d do with the first, like taking pictures daily, documenting their every progress, being a cleanliness freak and going green etc. It’s really true. When Jordan came long, I just completely never blog about him or even bothered to… Continue Reading


In the busyness of what we call life, it is easy for years to pass without our realising, when memories become vague and age catch up. It is not easy to find precious time to sit down, do nothing and reflect on this journey called life. Yet it is too important not to be caught… Continue Reading

Give thanks for 2009!

Wow, words cannot express how amazing 2009 has been. It has been a year I had to do some real growing up, well, physically, mentally, emotionally, especially spiritually. Looking back now seriously can bring a tear to my eye seeing how well God put everything together, that I couldn’t have made it thus far without… Continue Reading

Saying Goodbye

You were my first baby. I remember how hard it was to get you, the trips we made up and down. You certainly served me well. Through you, I had produced the last 3 Missions Mag. What would I do without you. Especially during my confinement, you were my one loyal companion. A new mother… Continue Reading