Category Archives: Food

What food stuff to prepare for your confinement?

I was at a blur what to buy for my confinement nanny to cook. Thank God I can ask my confinement centre, and this is what Alice faxed to me. Being non Chinese speaking, it is quite hard to ask people what to buy and then go to the chinese herb store to buy them,… Continue Reading

Parcel from Kuching

This year is the very first year of my entire long life that I am not spending Chinese New Year back in Kuching, my beloved hometown, with my beloved family, complete with home made cookies, goodies, mom’s cooking, open house and all that. Well, thanks to courier services, my dear mom decided to send some… Continue Reading

Sarawak Kolomee in Kajang

So after finding out about Sarawak Laksa in Kajang, we didn’t realise that the very same cafe sells sarawak kolomee too. Apparently the guy who sells the laksa had been bringing in the curly noodles from Kuching to this stall for over a year before he himself moved here to try out the business. However,… Continue Reading

Sarawak Laksa in Kajang

This Chinese New Year, we won’t be able to go back to Sarawak and taste all the delicious food there since it is very near to my delivery date. During Christmas, we were having dinner with John’s sisters and brother and in-laws, when his sister told us about a newly opened Sarawak Laksa stall in… Continue Reading