I love you too! By Eve Bunting

My children really grew up with Scholastic books. Today’s review is I Love You Too! By Eve Bunting illustrated by Melissa Sweet. This is a very high quality hard cover book, and really even the pages are hard cover. There is no fear of this book ever tearing. It makes a really beautiful gift to mums with toddlers who enjoy bedtime reading.

The pages are full illustrated, edge to edge. I love the simple to read short paragraphs that are catchy. Most importantly I love the message behind the book. It talks about living life as an example and loving your mothers by appreciating them with gifts. The real story behind the beautiful pictures and short sentences speaks of love.
Dog gave his mum a gift to show his love and when his friends saw his act of love, they too made the effort to get a gift for their mums. I think it’s really beautiful as it is teaching our children how they too can give and not just receive.

Jordan loves the illustration a lot. Thanks to Scholastic quality books, we can enjoy our reading and bonding time together everyday.

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