Reading with Preschoolers with Scholastic

Thanks Scholastics for these books, Pig The Pug and Willbee The Bumblebee, two of the favs of the bunch for Jordan who is four. Both of these books have bright beautiful illustrations and an easy way to read.

WillBee The Bumblebee by Craig Smith

A catchy song with endearing illustrations that will have you buzzing! And as Willbee flew away, he did not stop, his jersey unraveled from the bottom to the top, and when he realised this, he lost his hum. He was showing the whole garden his bare bum! Well, with no jersey, and being late in the day, Willbee was so cold he couldn’t fly away. Willbee the bumblebee is so embarrassed when he realizes his stripy jumper has caught on a rose thorn and completely unraveled . . .

This one comes with a song CD, and the whole story is actually sung in the form of a catchy song.

At four years old, a book with amazing pictures is really important. Jordan is very attracted to the colourful pages.
Most importantly though I love the story of how all the creatures of the meadow helped Willbee the Bee. It is a great platform to learn about being selfless and helpful and taking time out to help someone in need.
Willbee also showed his utmost gratitude in the end to Moni with a big hug. A great book to show the kids how to not take things for granted but be thankful always.

Jordan loves this book, one of his go to bedtime book right now.

Pig The Pug by Aaron Blabey

Pig is the greediest Pug in the world. He is bad-tempered, rude and he never, ever shares. Friendly sausage dog Trevor is always trying to persuade Pig to play with him, but without success. When Pig is asked to share his toys, his greed finally backfires and something unexpected happens to him. Will Pig the Pug learn his lesson at last? A hilarious picture book about learning to share.

This next book is a hilarious one, even from the name you know. The pug the dog is named pig here and he’s one selfish dog who don’t like to share.

He’s got the most funny faces throughout this book.

Both boys love reading this book together as Josiah loves funny stories. This book is great for teaching about sharing your stuffs and how not to hog everything for yourselves. Well, Pig the Pug did just that but in the end he was still forced to share.

Sometimes it takes another funny friend to teach us a lesson, just like this funny hotdog that never gave up on Pig. Some of such methods are applied further while teaching academic disciplines, even while preparing for O Level chemistry practical.

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