15th annual Guardian People’s Choice Award With Innovative Brands


In April, Guardian Malaysia ran a People’s Choice Award voting contest online where over 300 products from 180 brands in 75 categories were listed and customers get to vote on their favourites. That led to last week’s amazing People’s Choice Award 2015 ceremony at Ruyi and Lyn Bangsar, where all the brands gathered to receive their awards for being the most innovative brand with high integrity.



Caroline Mak, Group Director, Health and Beauty of Dairy Farm, which owns Guardian Malaysia, was there to congratulate the winners and hand out awards. The PCA is an annual event 15 years in the running, and this year, we saw so many brands make it to the top for continuously coming out with product innovation, quality and more importantly, the integrity for their brands. The PCA was started by Guardian since 2001 to give recognition to brand building and to allow customers to vote as an unbiased method to evaluate the favourites amongst customers.


With the advancement of technology and social media online, now the voting is done online and since last year, there was even a Teen Choice Awards to see what brands teenagers love to use the most. Those who voted also won prizes…a total of 115 Guardian customers took home prizes worth over RM50,000. I wish I had voted too!

Guardian PCA 2015 - Caroline Mak with Most Voted Brand Maybelline's team

Did you want to know who was the most voted brand? This is the Maybelline Team, and they won the most awards. I love this brand too, I personally used some of their products for years.

Keep updated with the latest products and many contests run by Guardian on their Facebook page!

6 Responses to 15th annual Guardian People’s Choice Award With Innovative Brands

  1. yeah lets try next year to vote again. Hehe.. now we know which brands are winners, not sure if next year will be same.

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