Free Seminars at Malaysia IT Fair 2015


You rarely get to sit in and listen to great entrepreneurs talk about solutions for FREE, but guess what, now you can. You can sign up for free seminars at Malaysia IT Fair 2015 happening this 28-31 August 2015 in MVEC, Mid Valley. These are not just any speaker, the panel of speakers invited are all great successful men in their own industry. There are so many seminars you can choose from and you can sign up for all of them if you want!


One of the most inspiration speaker must be MyTeksi Co-Founder Mr Aaron Gill. Do you take Grab Taxi using MyTeksi app? If you do, then you have this man to thank. Aaron created this concept to help riders in Malaysia get a better taxi riding experience, to make it easy to book a taxi and for safety reasons too. MyTeksi has definitely changed the face of booking taxis in Malaysia, and Aaron will be at the IT Fair to share his inspiration stories of success with everyone who registers. Lots of other speakers will be sharing their success stories as well, besides other seminars talking about GST, Cloud Computing, Systems and more on solutions.

There are seminars ongoing for every day the IT Fair is on…so register them here.

Overall seminars




While in between attending seminars, you can also check out the IT Fair and get guaranteed gifts when you shop there.



There are daily auctions starting from RM1 on the stage area, so stick around until that time to see what you can get.


The Malaysia IT Fair opens its doors at 10am to MVEC, but come early at 9.30am for the HAPPY HOUR Deals, with amazing prices such as RM99 for a 1TB Seagate HDD or RM1 for 8GB thumbdrive! I don’t think I can get this pricing anywhere else. See you guys there!

Disclaimer: Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.

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