14 Day Teatox with Cuppatea UK Review

A couple of weeks ago, I received this 14 Day Detox Tea for my review from Cuppatea is known as the Teatox for Weight Loss, with 14 teabags to be drunk every morning, and 7 teabags to be drunk every night before bedtime every 2 days.

The benefits of Cuppatea are

  • Burn fat and prevent fat storage
  • Transformation of energy to burn calories
  • Improve skin health
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Purification detox

It basically contains natural ingredients for detoxifying and cleansing of the body to rid of of any toxin we consume through our food or even the air we breath in that is high polluted in this urban area.

For me, the first thing I want to know is what is the tea made of. The ingredients for the Morning Detox are:
Mate leaves, Chinese oolong tea, Ginger root, Lotus leaves, Lemongrass, Ginseng root, Dandelion leaf, Gotu kola leaves, Nettle leaves.


The ingredients for the bedtime cleanse are:
Senna leaves, Burdock root, Liquorice root, Hawthorn leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Peppermint leaves, Chamomile, Psyllium seeds.

Take note that the morning detox contains a little caffeine while the night detox can produce a laxative effect. That’s why it’s best to take it just before bed so the effect can be felt upon awakening the next morning about 8 hours later.

My review
For me, I only felt the laxative effect by the 3rd day, and in 14 days, only twice. However, I had never had constipation issues so everything ran smoothly for me. 🙂

The taste of the tea is pleasant, more fragrant than green tea, very flowery taste. Both the day and night tea tasted basically the same to me. I could steep it longer than 3 minutes and it doesn’t make the tea become bitter.

Ok, so the main thing about Cuppatea is weight loss. To tell you the truth, I wish I had experienced a bigger weight loss, but it’s not so for me. Maybe it’s because I did not exercise in 2 weeks (horror!) and I went to a few food reviews! So er, my diet is a bit off balanced while doing the teatox. I think the most I lost is 1kg, which is always a plus minus for me, if I indulge more it will be added on easily.

That said, I do feel less bloated and my tummy feel flatter. I felt that my tight clothing is a bit more loose than before. Whatever it is, Cuppatea is definitely a healthy drink that can be taken to replace your morning coffee in the long term for the morning detox. Only the bedtime detox should not be taken long term, after taking for 2 months, it should be stopped for 2 weeks before continuing again. This tea can be ordered directly online and it will be shipped to you worldwide. The 14 Day Detox package costs RM103 and the 28 day Detox costs RM178.97.

Just for my readers, you may now purchase cuppatea using my discount code leona15off and get 15% off!

I love it, I wish I can continue drinking this as I think my body always take a longer time to loose weight. I will definitely consider adding this to my plan for a healthy lifestyle!

For more info on their products, check it out at
Twitter: @cuppateauk
Instagram: @cuppateauk

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