Celebrating Mother’s Day at Malaysia Breakfast Day with Milo


2015 is the third year for Malaysia Breakfast Day organised by Milo but it was a first time for me. This is also the first year that Malaysia Breakfast Day had extended to Ipoh and Kuching as well, and I attended the one in Putrajaya on Mother’s Day.


Alois Horbauer, Region Head of Nestle Malaysia and Singapore says that Malaysia Breakfast Day is a platform under Milo Breakfast Movement to drive action among families in making the right nutritional decision each morning. It is great that this year, it is expanded to three venues in hopes to see more Malaysians within the region support healthy breakfast habits and good nutrition movement with their families and friends.


The event kicked off really early in the morning at 7am and the public as well as the runners gathered at Perbadanan Putrajaya and enjoyed a cup (or multiple cups) of Milo and Milo Cereals for breakfast before going for their 3km and 7km run. Families with children gathered as well as there were a host of fun activities going on, such as the Milo Challenge Circuit and stage performances as well as children’s play area with hula hoops and skipping ropes.



Even though the event was held on Mother’s Day, I noticed many mothers still decided to bring their children to celebrate at this event for a time of healthy fun.

Having children is no excuse to stop being active, as these mothers prove. There were so many parents bringing along their children with strollers and running while pushing them along. I believe this is such a great example to the children as they grow up to see their parents put their health first and watch them emphasize an active lifestyle.

Did you know a lot of children go to school without eating any breakfast? This is really bad so Milo hope to address this by creating awareness about the importance of breakfasts for children and adults alike. There are many ways we can take breakfast on the go for the really busy. For me, I keep all kinds of breakfast food in my office for those days I get up late and need to rush.


I watched the 7km and 3km runners dash off the starting line with much fan fare. It was indeed an atmosphere of celebration, with serious runners and fun runners alike joining the race to the finishing line.


Once again, many ran with kids in tow and I really salute this mothers and fathers for taking that extra effort. As a mother myself, I can imagine how much hassle it would be to ensure the children had enough rest the night before in order to wake up that early, prep them and all that including getting yourself ready for a run. It was challenging yet it did not deter these parents from making it to this event in full storm and showing their children what really mattered, health and nutrition.


Malaysia Breakfast Day Run is so different from other running events I had been to because after the run, everyone get to collect their chosen breakfasts and have a picnic anywhere around the area. Participants and public alike get to redeem food with a given coupon and choose between bee hoon to satay, to chapati and more. Free flow of Milo was definitely going on all day together with unlimited supply of Milo cereal.



For us we just enjoyed a picnic on the green green grass with mats provided by Milo. It was a fun and enjoyable outdoor activity for us as a family.



There was even time for some ZUMBA! Young and old joined in the moves to get the body going.

Finally it was time for prize presentation for all the Top Runners in every category.

Winners of Men’s Open Category

Winners of Women’s Open Category


Winners of Boys Category

Winners of Girl’s Category

Winners of Women Veteran Category

Winners of Men’s Veteran Category

All the winners combined! All looked really fit and healthy.

I can’t wait for Malaysia Breakfast Day 2016 with Milo once again and maybe next time, I should be running together with the rest! Stay up to date with Milo Malaysia on their Facebook

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