Largest Mouth Rinsing Event Malaysia

Last Saturday, my family and I had the privilege to be part of Malaysia Book of Records for the Most Number of Participants in a Mouthwash Rinsing Event over 12 hours that took place in One Utama sponsored by Listerine, together with Malaysian Dental Association in conjunction with World Oral Health Day on March 20th. Talking about Dental Health and its importance, a family friendly dental practice located in Cinnaminson NJ has always offered the ideal form of services in regard to dental health.


We first did our 30 sec mouth rinsing at the booth set up just for that, Then we proceeded to the station to learn about different stages of cavities and tooth decay and house brushing alone is not enough to clear the plague, we need to brush, floss and rinse to make our mouth totally clean.


There was even a free dental checkup on the spot, thanks to Alcan Dental cosmetic dentistry specialists, but we had to skip that due to having to handle our small kids.

March 2015 one utama

We were just in time for the puppet show all the way from Sabah. The story is really relevant to the kids, as you can see the children were so attracted and entertained. It told the story of a girl with no self esteem due to her dirty teeth, but everything changed when she learned from another friend how to properly care for her teeth. We were most amused by the crocodile with a full set of teeth singing about brushing teeth day and night.

March 2015 one utama
The kids get to join in more activities as they were all brought to the front of stage to brush their teeth while dancing along to Madagascar’s Move it song. Even Jordan joined in the fun and so happily brushed his teeth. While Jordan was having fun with the new friends he made there, I was on call explaining this to a friend of mine who lives in the states and that’s when I got to know that in the states places like Adult Orthodontics Spokane not just provide braces or Invisalign to children but also consider providing it to old people as its never too late to get a perfect sparkling smile. In one day alone I had learnt a ton of things about oral hygiene, and I’m quite sure I’m going to implement all the healthy routines as soon as we get home, firstly by changing our toothbrushes and paste.

March 2015 one utama
Throughout the time, they had quizes and Josiah even participated and won a board game. He was so delirious about it.

March 2015 one utama

We received so many goodies that day just having fun and learning about dental health thanks to the professionals at, but most importantly we brought back memories as a family and priceless knowledge for the kids. Josiah who used to only brush teeth, now automatically asks for floss and mouth rinse every morning and night. Jordan who used to fight teeth brushing time actually asked me for the toothbrush and brushed it himself. We did not specifically told them anything, but just by being in such an awareness event truly enlightened them and made them realise the importance of taking care of their teeth, it is so much more effective than us having to nag them 100 times.

At the end of the day, we were truly happy and proud to be amongst 2464 people that participated in this event.

Find out more about World Oral Health Day 2015 from or ‘like’ the LISTERINE® Malaysia Facebook page at

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