Childhood Nutrition and Cognitive Development

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Previously, I blogged about this Smart Steps Nutrition Workshop happening this coming 24th Jan. When I was pregnant with my first child, I became so aware of what nutrition can do. Healthy nutrition is important for women’s health, no mater if we are talking about young woman diet or looking for the products with best all natural supplements for menopause. Even before Josiah was born, I was reading so much into what to eat and what not to eat, all the while looking into things that can boost his cognitive development. I believe most first-time mothers do that too. Don’t all parents want their babies to be born healthy and extra smart? After my second child, I have definitely become more relaxed and more informed about what is really important nutrition and what is just a myth, but it does not lessen the importance of what the right balanced nutrition can do to our health and our brains.

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As a parent, I love to watch my children develop, be it physically or mentally. We even chart down their every milestones and remember when was their first word, their first walk, their first invention. A child’s cognitive development is about a child developing or constructing a mental model of the world. Like a blank canvas that is slowly filled with beautiful artwork. People say children 1-6 years have brains like a sponge, it just absorbs everything so quickly and easily.


Do you know that nutrients plays a huge role for our children’s continuous growth and development through every stage of their childhood? Above is a chart that shows what kind of nutrient is most important for them and what each the nutrient’s role is in their growth. We are definitely always watching out for all these different nutrients in the fresh food that our children eat or even in packaged food and supplements to ensure that they get enough of everything.


Would you like to understand more of the details from the experts? Check out the workshop today and register, there are only LIMITED SEATS left. You know that cute girl on the poster, Mia Sara, she will be there too and so will I. See you there!

panel of experts

Details of the Workshop

Title: SmartSteps: Uncover The Power of Nutrition To Your Child’s Development Workshop
Date: 24 Jan 2015 (Sat)
Time: 10.30am (Registration from 9.30am onwards)
Venue: Auditorium, Connexion@Nexus, Bangsar South

How to Register
Registration fee of RM30 per family/couple is applicable. Each participating family is entitled to ONE Dutch Lady Smart Steps Workshop Kit worth RM50! To register,
– Call toll-free hotline : 1800-22-1233
– Email:
– Payment can be made to the below bank account of workshop organizer through cash deposit or online banking
• Bank: Maybank
• Name: Bridges PR & Events Sdn Bhd
• Account Number: 5144-4012-1112

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