Everyone Can Win with P1

I had always liked P1 the Telco from the first day I went to tour their building until becoming their Online Media Associate in recent years. There had always been fun contests on Facebook but I never really cared to join any until this year when P1 became really active in giving back again by way of contests. So I joined the P1 Nostalgic Nation contest which was not even really easy to begin with, but yet it was fun and doable at the same time.

I joined as P1 OMA and also got a few friends to join in the public contest where there is a whole set of different prizes to be won. Never in my dreams that I would win the Grand Prize in this contest, which was a Macbook Air 13, but all my friends won too!

P1 OMA Winners P1NostalgicNation


Two weeks ago, I received my Macbook Air from Nicholas Ng of Consider Digital and also got the prizes for all my friends. Possibly the best news of 2014.

P1 Connect Winners P1NostalgicNation

Check out the faces of the winners, you know, anyone can win with P1.
Rani with his Macbook Pro, the Grand Prize.

Kelvin the contests winner with his iPhone 5s. Kelvin is like winning in every contest he joins online particularly to do with videos.

Pretty Emilie with her iPod Shuffle. She also worship leads in our church so hopefully this Shuffle can be used to learn new tunes eh.

P1 Connect on Facebook is endlessly having giveaways and contests like these. Like the Page and join one, you never know you can be just like one of these people above with their winning smiles.

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