Day 4: 7 Day Diet

Day 4: Bananas and milk. You can eat upto 8 bananas and 3 glasses of skim milk to restore potassium levels

Yesterday I shopped for Bananas. I took like the biggest bunch as I thought I will be extremely hungry today. Bananas and milk only? What? No more fruits to munch on? I was wrong, I couldn’t even finish the 8 Bananas I was allowed. In the end I had 5 only. I had one in the morning, one for lunch, one for tea, one during dinner and one later that night. That was all. I also replaced the milk with Kefir Milk. I was feeling pretty full today. For dinner, I had left over Wonder Soup. All in all, I really only cooked Wonder Soup twice. I left it in the Pressure Cooker on Warm and just ate again the day after. It was really a lot.

This was the vege for the wonder soup being stir fried with a tablespoon of olive oil.

After adding the cut up cabbage and water.

The Wonder Soup Served! All the vege are basically soft and easy to chew on. I use chicken stock to season to taste.

By Day 4, I had the feeling that it is too near yet too far. Only 3 more days to go. Best of all, I get to eat fish the next day.

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