Health Post: How to Cure Diarrhea Naturally

Recently a lot of people around me got Diarrhea. First my husband, then my friend and her colleagues. Nobody knows what’s the cause, since hubby and I ate the same food and I didn’t get it. These kind of episodes happen in life sometimes and we can’t be more ready for it. It’s really annoying, sitting on the white throne all day, not to mention the pain and purging. Yucks!

Good news is my hubby was healed very quickly, while my friend is still having it. She finally had to see a doctor, but I am going to teach her some home remedy, hopefully it will help her.

First thing to note, diarrhea is a viral infection. It is usually due to food poisoning, or even stress can cause it. We need some probiotics in the gut to fight the ‘bad’ bacteria. My son Josiah calls the probiotics ‘good’ bacteria as the good army to fight the bad guys. Probiotics don’t only come in powder or capsules, they can be homemade, such as the well known yogurt. In our home however, we use only Kefir. Yogurt is great, but Kefir is awesome! Yogurt too contains good bacteria but they only pass through your digestive tract, where as Kefir contains trillions more bacteria and they actually colonise your intestinal tract. In other words, yogurt bacteria are like volunteer army that comes and goes, but Kefir bacteria are here to stay creating colonies. Also, kefir is much easier to make than yogurt, they are perfect for our Malaysian weather to ferment the milk. I first found out about Kefir way back in 2010, and really believe they are God sent.

Diarrhea can be cured by mixing yogurt or kefir with Black Seed Oil (Habbatus Sauda). I just bought a bottle of Black Seed Oil manufactured in Pakistan for the purpose of curing Fever, but then I found out it can cure just about anything in the world, and that includes Diarrhea. Just a teaspoon in a cup of yogurt taken twice a day, that’s all. On normal days, Black Seed Oil can be taken 2-3 times a week, just a small teaspoon. Don’t overdose on it! For kids it should be less, like half a tea spoon and only once a day during fever or other list of sicknesses. It can also be used externally on wounds of any kind. Actually at the moment, I am taking it in a cup of honey with lemon and cinnamon for my slight on coming cough.

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