Walking Toddler

Jordan can walk!

Jordan actually started walking some time end of April but was not really stable yet. He was then going on 13 months.

I recorded this last week and he started walking so steadily now. Yesterday when we went to the mall, he won’t even want to sit in his stroller anymore. He kept asking to get out so he can walk around. Of coz, he kept falling to the ground and it can be so dirty. I love the Papayaya shoes he’s wearing (passed down from Josiah) and it really helps him learn his walking faster. I predict he is going to be running very soon. And to think, just recently I was checking out baby slings and carriers, well it looks he doesn’t even need it anymore! My little baby is growing up so fast.

Below is a video of Josiah’s first steps. Josiah was 16 months when he first started walking.

And then he started running around in about four months after that.

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