How To Keep Birds and their Poo Off Window Sills

We had been having the Bird Poo on our Window Sills issue for the longest time. Little birds love to sit outside our two small bed room windows and churp away with their many friends. While churping, they also like to poo together. Thus, the whole windows are filled with poo marking and this is the 2nd storey we’re talking about, so it’s really really hard to get to the windows to clean it regularly. In order to clean, we will have to remove the mosquito netting, remove each window pane one by one and wipe it clean. Bird poo is also hazardous and very unhealthy. Do you know it is very toxic to human beings?

Thankfully, one day, John found this bird deterrent in Daiso Mines.

It’s actually just an inflatable crow. It is meant to be hung around areas where you want to keep birds away, like your garden when you just put seeds for example. Well, we decided to hang two crows over the two rooms’ windows. One room’s window was cleaned before hanging the crows and after a few weeks, we’ve noticed no bird poo appeared. Which means it works! Little birds are normally very afraid of crows I guess. This is better than putting sharp objects around the window sills as some sites suggest. I wouldn’t want to have to deal with bird corpses on a regular basis. Eww. Oh the fake crows are only RM5 each. Good for a Halloween decoration too.

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