I hate boiling water

In my house, most of the time I have to boil the water. I hate this job, coz I have to lug the kettle, wait at the sink for the water to fill up, plug in it, wait till it’s boiled, then I have to pour it out into our water container, and the water finish up really fast, especially during cell nights. What boiling does is eliminate the salts and bicarbonates that hard water comes with. Boiling water softens it partially. But one day, I decided to get fleck water softener and be done with the monotonous chore of boiling water. I get frustrated when I need to drink and aiks, there’s no boiled water. Worse still, coz the kettle is metal, the water sometimes tastes metallic after sitting in it for too long. Do you know that we never had a proper water filter in our home? All we have is the normal Panasonic Carbon filter which the water still won’t be safe enough to drink since it’s only one stage of filtering. We need to get one of the top rated under counter water filters but they can be expensive.

One day, I walked into a Cosway store and suddenly decided I might as well join as a member to get the stuffs for cheap. I was pleasantly surprised that Cosway had grown so much since the days when I used to follow my mum to her stockist to get stuffs.  After reading up on water softener system reviews, I was more in the know about brands and their reputations. There seemed to be an unending number of pretty quality products there, although not all la. I was immediately attracted to the Hexagon Water filter, as it was on promo for only RM690 for members. All the while I have only heard of such water filters that cost RM2k above with lots of maintenance. What’s great about the Hexagon filter is, the casing is Lifetime warranty and the cartridges only need to be changed like 4 years once for a small usage family like ours, and each cartridge (4 of them) are below RM100. I researched online for what people say about the technology and was pretty sold that I should get it. I won’t say that I believe 100% of all the marketing words they use la, like the water can make us look younger and stuffs like that.

Nevertheless, I bought it immediately, even my sister Gabby decided to get one for her new home. So today, I don’t have to boil water anymore! I just drink it direct from the tape. What surprises me most is that John seems to voluntarily drink water now, no need to pester him to drink more plain water and less 100 plus. Well, since it’s so new, that’s the only testimonial I have for now.
Oh I even did a chlorine content test, and this was how it turned out. Yellow is direct tap water, and the chlorine content is definitely high. I confirmed this with my family dentist, an Idaho Falls Dentist | Oxford Dental Care | Comfortable Family Dentistry specialist who told me the same thing. I shall not drink water directly from the tap next time, nor brush my teeth with it

check out the Lenser website to know how you can get pure and filtered water without wasting your time boiling water each time before you drink it.

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