When to wean baby from the bottle?

When I was 3 years old, I was still so attached to my milk bottle. I still remember taking my bottle each time I want to drink milk, and then making my own milk, prop myself up on a pillow on the couch and drinking my milk that way. And then I had to go to school, so my mum was so impatient she simply threw my bottle away. Needless to say, I cried for quite a bit. Due to this experience, I was adamant to wean Josiah from the bottle as early as possible.

Josiah started using the bottle for milk at 2 weeks old, when I mixed breastfeeding with formula. Later on when I returned to work, he used the bottle for feedings at the baby sitter’s when I cannot be there. I loved the Adiri bottles, they really mimic the breast. But the bottles need to be thrown out every 3 months, coz the whole bottle will wear out and I can’t just replace the nipples.

So later on at about 9 months, I got him 2 siliskins glass bottles. I thought at that time that I might have to start making milk powder for him, so I got one bottle for home and one for use at the baby sitter’s. Well, somehow Josiah never wanted anything to do with milk powder, so that saved me the trouble. When Li-ann told me about Fresh Milk, I tried that and he really took that besides breastmilk from then on.

When Josiah was 15 months, I decided that he should just proceed to drink milk from sippy cups or direct from cups, since he was able to handle his own sippy cups since 12 months. So I tried it a few times at home, and was convinced that he didn’t need bottles anymore. It took some time to convince my baby sitter though, as she felt feeding from the bottle was much faster and more convenient, firstly Josiah liked it, and it didn’t spill. But I was quite insistent for her to change his habits before he turned 18 months, when it might be too late. So thankfully, a few days later, she returned his bottle and we never used it again.

Around 16 months, Josiah graduated to the straw bottle for drinking milk. This is a much easier and faster way to drink, he can drink like a big boy without having to lie down. Now, every time he sees his Foogo Thermos straw cup, he will say Milk milk. He has already associated it with milk time. So the best time to wean from bottle really has to go along with the baby’s cue. The earlier the better, but also according to each parent’s convenience.

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4 Responses to When to wean baby from the bottle?

  1. Yes, it is important to follow the baby’s cue and guide him to weaning off the bottle early.

    My boy rejected the bottle at about 4 months after he was latched on exclusively for a month. He didn’t want sippy cups either, so he drank from open cups when necessary. Saves me much money from changing bottles and teats. Ha… 🙂

  2. Wah, making your own milk when you were 3 years old? That’s sorta amazing, don’t you think?

    For Arielle, it was very simple; i.e. she was not attached to her bottle. I weaned her off her bottle a few weeks ago. Just told her the bottle is broken and gave the milk in her sippy cup. Didn’t threw a fit, so I guess it’s successful. 🙂

    Ash would be a challenge though… ultra stuck to the mum!

  3. Hi Leona, its been a long time since I notice a name like yours. Its a beautiful name.
    I guess re your interesting post, some babies go off earlier, some later…..yours quite unusual, ha ha.

    Anyway, you stay young, keep a song in your heart and have a pleasant week, Lee.

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