Cloth diapering is like an adverb now. There are so many reasons to cloth diaper, I can’t begin to tell you why. Just google it. Personally, I wanted to cloth diaper for the sack of the environment and for baby’s bum sake. There are so many terrible chemicals found in disposables that can cause long term side effects. Should I give up my baby’s health for my own convenience? Besides, cloth diapering can be super convenient nowadays.
Anyways, I was actually using cloth diaper from beginning, after baby’s myconium passed, the black icky poo that cannot be washed off. This happens in the first few days, and that time I used Tesco’s cheapest diaper, as it need to be changed like all the time.
After baby’s poo turned mustard yellow, my CL started using traditional cloth diaper. Well, we use that for daytime and disposables at nights. My CL did all the diaper washing, which is not easy, since at that time, baby will poo in nearly all diaper change, and then the cloth diaper need to be scrubbed and soaked in a pail of water, then only goes into the washing machine.
When my CL went home after the 28th day, I tried to continue what she was doing, and failed BIG TIME! Firstly, I found that traditional cloth diapers are so super NOT absorbent, that baby cannot stand the wetness immediately, so my baby won’t sleep every time he is wet. Plus, I think he a a heavy wetter, coz he eats so much. So, every time I feed him, I can feel his urine kena my clothes or my bed etc, even though he was wearing those plastic diaper covers over the cloth diaper. It takes just a few days for me to feel totally frustrated that I decided I was gonna splurge on modern cloth diapers.
Coolababy diapers
So I bought a couple of Fuzzi Bunz diapers and Coolababy diapers to try them out. I read up so much, I really didn’t know which cloth diaper to go for, eventually I decided on Pocket Diapers, as they are easier to use.
Fuzzi Bunz
Coolababy diapers are one size, meaning they fit baby until quite old. While the Fuzzi Bunz diapers are medium, coz baby will stay in medium size the most. Anyways, the price is a huge difference. Coolababy go for RM39 while Fuzzi Bunz are RM75.
Initially I wanted to buy a couple of diapers from every brand, but it can be very pricey, come costs RM80 plus. Then, a friend told me about kasihkusayangku diapers, a local Malaysian brand. Having checked it out, I realised these are the diapers I wanted to invest in. They have all the features of the branded diapers! And they are cheap at about RM50 or less if bought in bulk.
So I dumped in all my money on these babies..yea right. I became a member on the said website and got them cheaper, 3 for RM145. Worth it eh..all I really need are about 12 diapers. So I bought 12 from the website, plus with the 4 I already have, more than enough.
I have never been happier after using these pocket diapers. I can use them for days and nights and even when going out. Baby’s tush stays amazingly dry! What happens is, the diaper cloth that touches baby’s bum is made of a material that stays totally dry even after water passes through, and the inner removable inserts made of microfibre is the one drinking up the water, trapping it. So baby feels dry, and the PUL cover is water proof so it doesn’t pass through to the clothes.
Some people might find it mafan and inconvenient coz have to wash, but I got really used to it. It’s quite easy. After every diaper change, I just dump the wet diapers in a pail of water and soak it till night, then my husband dump it into the washing machine together with baby’s other clothes and leave it to air dry till morning. By morning, it can be used again. Normally the diaper dries faster than the inserts, so extra inserts on hand would be great. I have 2 insert to every 1 diaper, it comes together with the purchase anyways.
If the diapers are soiled, I just use the hose to wash the poo down the toilet before soaking them. Baby poo are extremely water soluble, for breastfed babies anyways. Plus they poo like only once a week after one month. So, that’s why I just LOVE cloth diapering, I hope my diapers last forever. I keep them lasting by washing them in net cloth. I just wonder why disposables still exist when it’s so simple to use modern cloth diapers, especially pocket diapers. With this, my baby’s rashes are slowly healing and later I won’t even need those expensive rash creams anymore, not to mention the thousands we save from having to buy disposables…furthermore, my baby really loves them, so colourful.
plus no need to buy pants liao!
Wah u got so many husband your blog saying my husbands…wah!
jon dont lah sikit2 jealous, typo error lah. i’m sure leona’s heart is already yours, plus, she give birth to a baby boy for you ok! 😛
hmm… i will want to order from you leona when we get back. how long does it take to deliver?
oh yah, and how many inserts do we need a day? only 2?
li-ann, it takes a couple of days to deliver. i didn’t buy extra inserts, each diaper already comes with 2 inserts. depends how many diaper change u do a day, i don’t just change the insert but the whole diaper each time, about 3-4 hours in the day, so it’s more hygienic. how many diaper changes does arielle need now?
well, coz she still hasn’t been potty trained, about 4 a day averagely.
Hi. Came to your blog here fom some links.
Maybe I can get the diapers for my boy. Thanks for introducing it.
Btw, I stay in Kajang too. 🙂
Leonnna………i want to buy cloth diaper. So which ones are the best since you bought 3 different types? So far is there anything negative with the kasihku sayang brand?
Hi All,
Feel free to visit my blog at for baby one size cloth diaper promotion, all brands are available, come grab now, while stock last!!!
Glad to inform you all that Much Awaited Kasihku Sayangku 4th Generation Hybrid One-Size Cloth Diaper is available now.
Why we call it Hybrid, visit to find the reason 🙂
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