Confinement so far

I praise God that my confinement lady is a great cook. That does make a big difference whether your confinement month is a torture or a bliss. Okay, so far, I won’t say that my confinement time is like paradise, mainly because of the exhaustion and sleepless nights, which will have no end. However, I really like my CL, called Mandy. I got her through the agency, SN-nanny, and she’s from Setiawan. The first time I met her, I was surprised that she is very young.

Anyways, she’s quite the modern type, although she has her own beliefs in do’s and don’ts, but she doesn’t force it on me. She also goes the extra mile, for eg, she didn’t have to cook lunch for John, but she does. She even washes the toilet that she uses though it’s stated she didn’t need to do that in the contract. She’s friendly and easy going and loves to cook. She loves people that knows how to eat, and it motivates her to cook better food. Therefore, I finished up everything she cooked for me, and they’re not in huge amounts either. Her dishes are different everyday, so it’s totally not boring.

Picture 2

Picture 3

So, if anyone need a great CL, let me know. 😛

6 Responses to Confinement so far

  1. Congrats with the safe delivery of your precious baby Josiah 🙂 You must be very proud of your precious little bundle of joy!!
    I’m also happy to hear that you have such a great CL to help you thru-out your confinement period.

    I’m planning to get a CL myself when my confinement period comes…just found out that I’m pregnant and my baby should be arriving in Nov.Being a first time mother myself, I hope that this would be another happy & memorable experience.

    Would appreciate if you could give me your CL’s contact numbers…never too early to start sourcing for the best, eh 😉

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