Chinese New Year away from home

This year is the first year in 30 years that I spent CNY away from home, my home town that is, although I now have to call Kajang my home. As of first day of CNY, I was 2 weeks away from meeting my first born face to face, so it’s impossible to fly back to Sarawak. No airplane would be willing to board a heavily pregnant woman, well, I wouldn’t try to board anyways.

So, we thought we’re going to spend a quiet CNY here, like just another holiday. Thank God for great church friends who invited us to join their reunion dinner. It is pretty awkward at first to spend our reunion dinner not with our own family, but it was great not to have to spend it alone just the two of us. Bless the Tan family for inviting us to join them and all their relatives, it was definitely fun and an eye opener to see how people here celebrate their eve dinner.

We had steamboat for dinner…with fishballs and mushrooms, vege, crabstick, and other dishes included pork leg, curry chicken, and fried pork…

In the midst of it, my family called and John’s family called, and it definitely made me felt home sick a bit. Well, atmosphere here is nothing like in Kuching, especially with the fireworks. Normally fireworks start going off in Kuching at 12 midnight, and last for at least half and hour, with the whole sky lit up from north to south, east to west. Here, by 10pm I was sleepy and tired, and was only awoken by a few seconds of firecrackers let off by our new neighbours.

Then on the 1st day of CNY, we went visiting, to only one house. 😛 We had lunch at Ps Bernard’s house, at least get to see some people and not hide in the house.

So, that was how our CNY went…erm, very much different. Well, this will surely made me appreciate CNY at mother’s home so, so, so, much more next time. No more complains for sure, ZIP!

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