Postcards Wall

It’s been about a month since I logged into, so much for hobby. I have postcards lying around that I haven’t written or posted. Yesterday, when I received a couple more postcards, I decided to log in to register them, and was pleasantly surprised to find that now they have a new feature called Postcards Wall.

Postcrossing - Postcards Traveling The World_1224053100704
Here’s how my wall looks like…

This is a new and neat feature that allows users to scan and upload postcards they receive, and the scanned card would also appear in the sender’s gallery. I wish more people would upload cards that I’ve sent, so far there are only three. After sending so many cards, sometimes you’d want to know what type of cards has been sent out so far. So the postcard wall is really cool to keep track of all that, it might be old fashioned snail mail card sending, but it’s partnered with a modern online tracking system. Cool, right?

This makes me all the more feel like exchanging more postcards. Care to join me?

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