7 weeks 2 days

On June 23rd, after just coming back from a tiring trip from Penang, we visited a Gynae. We debated at first to visit a public clinic or a private gynae or a general clinic. In the end, I decided I wanted to go straight to a proper gynae so I won’t have to trouble myself going everywhere.

We ended up at friend’s recommendation at Clinic Dr Bedi in Sg Chua. We went in and there weren’t many people there. I guess I was a little nervous as I didn’t know what’s involved in the check-up.

So after registering myself, I waited and just a few seconds later I was called in. The doc seemed like a nice, friendly guy and he asked the regular questions about family background sickness, whether there’s a history of diabetes and hypertension.

Then I was led to lie on the bed, and the nurses were there to help me around. We did the ultrascan and for the first time I saw my baby, at 7 weeks 2 days old, it was just the shape of nut, a dot. It still felt unreal. I went out, did a urine test for testing for abnormalities. Then I was given one month’s worth of Folic Acid and Calcium pills as wells as 2 packets of Dumex Mamil Mama sample milk. It cost RM33 to buy from the clinic for 900gm.

The next day, while shopping at Billion we checked out other milk, and ended up buying Wyeth Mama at RM37 for 900gm. I wasn’t liking the Dumex taste as it tasted really really sweet. Wyeth tastes better for now, though I’m waiting for try all other brands, like Anmum, MeadJohnson, and others. Get a review on it when I get them.

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