Smart Nuffnang Glitterati

3 days ago, most Nuffnangers received email from Nuffnang about their new Exclusive members only club…aptly named Glitterati. This was exactly the day of Advertlet’s fall…when its site was unaccessible and had caused blogger’s site to be diverted to a hijacked page. Nuffnang’s new marketing tactic couldn’t be more timely, considering these are the two main Malaysian online advertising revenue for Malaysian bloggers. Like most people, I run quite a lot of ads on my site, including these two. In fact, I also have Gradmyads and Nufflets, those that are from Asian region. So, Nuffnang probably wanted to make bloggers focussed on only using their ads, so they come out with this exclusive club. To be part of Glitterati was rather simple, and very smart. Bloggers in Nuffnang must remove all other ads that were from South East Asian region and only run Nuffnang’s. That’s what I did. Their spider will crawl all sites in 48 hours and you will be added, and so I was added today.

Advertlets is now up and running, but the coincidence of it being down just as Glitterati was launched made it even easier for bloggers to drop them like it’s hot. Josh Lim must be biting dust right now as he tries to make up to it by offering an additional 10-20% extra on top of all legit earnings the month of January. However, Glitterati is offering a more impressive percentage of 20-50% Higher than current blog income for CPM ads.

Check out the difference at

Truth be told, both Advertlets and Nuffnang are generating about the same revenue for me, but they are so insignificant to be considered any help at all. So I’m just going to try this out for a little while more and see how it goes or whether I should just drop it all.

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