Finally got my cash out of PB Visa Electron

I got my PB Visa Electron one month after applying for it, immediately tried to withdraw from Paypal but failed at first. Some mistakes I made was:

1) I forgot to put in more than RM25 into the card. With only RM25, you can’t withdraw from Paypal at all.
2) I forgot to link my Visa Electron to PBebanking immediately when I got the card. I also should have linked it to my Savings Account initially when applying for it.

So because of these mistakes, I had to wait for the Card Pin no. which take about a week to arrive. After I got the pin, I quickly went to the ATM to withdraw. However, the debit card does not work exactly like a ATM card, as teh ATM machine still recognises it as a credit card, so instead of showing withdrawal options, it showed Cash Advance options. Made me a little confuse as I wondered if the bank would charge anything for Cash Advance as they would for credit cards, although that seemed illogical.

So not wanting to take the risk, I used the Fast Cash Withdrawal options which spits out RM200 each time. I went back home and called the customer service, and the guy explained to me to use the Cash Advance. Oh well, but I still need to be able to check my debit card account through Pbebank, so I went today.

So many people were at the customer service, and only one guy was on duty. He was even wearing a bright yellow badge that says “Boycott Maybank”. Wow, so competitive huh. Give better customer service, PB! I really don’t like the way the customer service section of the bank was arranged, where if you’re sharkish enough, you will get your turn first. There wasn’t like any lines you can form or something. You just need to be standing real close to the counter and poke your face at the customer service agent to get your turn early. If you’re standing a bit way further, he might not notice you and will never ask you what you need.

But anyways, I got my application done. I noticed one customer who wanted to open a Savings account but did not have a Kajang address and was rejected. Since when do banks need people to be staying at a particular district in order to be able to open Savings Accounts? I wonder…

I withdrew all my Paypal money and calculated the exchange rate to be about 3.285. Pretty low, but it helped a lot, just the right timing for me to use that to pay off my auto insurance and taxes. Thank God!

Chart news
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Michael Jackson – Let Me Go Lyrics
One Chance – You Can’t Lyrics
John Mayer – Say Lyrics
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5 Responses to Finally got my cash out of PB Visa Electron

  1. Yah I had to fill another form, not really linking the saving account but to enable ebanking for the debit card, indirectly enabling linking thru the ebanking. I wish there was an easier way, like applying thru the atm or with your available ebanking account, but it’s pb…the bank that was the best bank 10 years ago.

  2. the “Boycott Maybank” badge may have refer to the racial policy by Maybank. just google it.

    yeah, i agree with your rantings on the customer service area.

    for the customer who got rejected coz not having local address, the bank is doing favor actually. when i tried to open an account in my hometown (not the place I live and work), the customer rep told me that i will get charged extra for my transactions in future if i insists. so he advised me to open at place where i work.

  3. Hi, i wonder is that true that this Public Bank Electron Card, must each each month, to get the RM24 waived?
    the staff told me I must use at least once a month, so the annual fee only waived…

    last year when I apply, she only told me, must use 12 said must each month one time…

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