Adopt a pet with character

Do you know you can adopt a pet at SPCA at minimal costs? I was just looking at the cat section of SPCA‘s site, and they have so many cute cats that needs urgent adoption.

But what struck me most was how the cats are characterised, it’s so cute.
PAWZY,-f,-1-yr,-local,-quiet but inquisitive

BLU, f, 1 yr, local, sweet, very busy-body

BELON, m, 3yrs, local, very friendly, very chubby


Makes me wonder how to describe my Elma.

I'm flexi

If you are going for a 70-431, the best thing to do would be to study the preparation material for 220-601. That will help you in going for the former as well as additional certifications like 640-802 and 642-176. In the end, that is what really matters. Having to study for courses like 642-503 and 642-552 from a scratch can be bothersome. However, if one would rather go for a N10-003, that material would be enough for all the 3 certifications.

9 Responses to Adopt a pet with character

  1. Hey, thankz for the acknowledgement or anti of it whichever u mean but hey i got a cat to show off too 😛 i personally sleep with my cat back in hometown in my room

    she never leaves my room
    u should also find one and sleep with u well it didnt give me any respiration problems been sleeping with her since …erm 8 years ago i guess

    well here is my cat

    her paw is still pink coz never goes out from my room

  2. wah hunting somemore ..hunt for partner or food??? 😛 hahah i pick up my cat from pasar malam when she was small..tot of giving to SPCA but got love d so cant give. somemore the cat shit on dust pan 🙂 haha

    seldom got ppl love cat la…my female friend hate cats !!! 🙂

    should really send ppl to SPCA let them taste the medicine then only they know

  3. Coincidentally my cat was from Pasar Malam too..yea I love cats. or even dogs…my cat doesn’t mess up in the house…she knows how to go find appropriates spots far from the house 🙂

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