Same kind flock together

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This morning at work I saw 3 Myvis parked together. Well of course, one is mine, one’s my colleague’s new baby, and the other one just decided to park with us…

6 Responses to Same kind flock together

  1. Hi Leona,

    Johnny here (Perkeb dinosaur type 94). Saw your blog via guat har’s multiply thingy. Glad to know some Perkebians are still in contact with each other. When did you graduate from UKM and where are you working now?

    Take care and God Bless,

  2. Hi Leona,

    Kajang AOG? Is Pastor Sinadurai (not sure if name is correct) still there ah? I really miss Rumah Faith. Send my regards to Jeniffer (I think she is a nurse now). Not sure if she still remembers me – uncle Johnny, one of those Perkeb Kebajikan tuition projects . Anyway I only attended Kajang AOG a couple of times, I actually served at Kajang Gospel Centre during my uni and post uni days until 1996.

    Did you guys receive the SMS on the Al-Jazeera apostasy thingy? Here’s a link to the video clip:

    Take care and God Bless,

  3. hey Johnny,
    Ps KK and rumah faith no longer attends KAOG, they’ve sinced build a new village in Semenyih and a new church there too.

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