Categorised on Valentine’s Day

Lining up
First is the mandatory hardcore romantics who’d go all out to make their Vday as memorable for each other as possible. This may even be a day that this group of people target potential partners to bring out on dates so as not to be alone to celebrate over soapy movies. This group of people are most gullible and are what marketing gimmick mongers target at. They also spend the most, more than their angpow money on all this day.

The second group are the singles. They’re single and wish to have a date secretly, a romantic night out and all. But of course, they hide under the pretense that they believe Vday are not just for couples, but for friends and family. So they talk about it, celebrate with friends and try to have a good time to not be left out.

Thirdly, are the Haters. They simply hate Vday, (apparently this group of people are increasing). There can be many reasons why they hate Vday, it could be a bad experience, a reminder of someone they wish to forget, they really just wanna safe their money and not splurge, or they simply hate it for they see no reason for limiting love to a single day, or they may even hate it coz it’s not really our culture. Anyways, this group will openly voice their opinion why the world should do away with Vday and do something else.

The third are just plain unromantic people, who couldn’t quite care what day is it. Oh another category are bloggers who cannot stop blogging about what they think of Vday. 😛

3 Responses to Categorised on Valentine’s Day

  1. Ignore the above comment. Some people are dumb. I’m liking your blog! And don’t forget those of us in the fifth group. Those of us romantic, but who try to show their loved ones that they are loved every day of their life. For the most part, I’m ambivalent towards Valentine’s Day. I like the chocolate, but my husband is a sweet as anything every day, so I’m a happy girl.

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